GSoC student 2023
Education: PhD Student in Computer Science, Indiana Unveristy
Completed project:
Code Completion in ClangRepl
Clang-REPL enables developers to program in C++ in an exploratory
manner via a read-eval-print-loop. Developers, however, have to type
each letter or symbol in the REPL, which likely causes typos. The
auto-completion we are proposing aims to assist developers in avoiding
that laborious typing, and it is also type-directed in that completion
candidates are well-typed with respect to cursor positions. The
project incorporates the completion infrastructure of Cling into
Clang-REPL. Next, we build components that handle type contexts and
subtyping. Lastly, we combine the completion and type-related
components to deliver the type-directed auto-completion in Clang-REPL.
Project Proposal: URL
Project Reports: Final Report
Mentors: Vassil Vassilev