Google Summer Of Code 2024 Contributor
Education: B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering, Graphic Era University, India
Failed project:
Enable CUDA compilation on Cppyy-Numba generated IR
Cppyy is an automatic, run-time, Python-C++ binding generator, for calling C++ from Python and Python from C++.
Initial support has been added that allows Cppyy to hook into the high-performance Python compiler, Numba which
compiles looped code containing C++ objects/methods/functions defined via Cppyy into fast machine code. The
project aims to enhance Cppyy, by enabling CUDA compilation on Numba-generated intermediate representation (IR).
This integration will allow seamless utilization of CUDA paradigms in Python without compromising performance.
The objectives includes adding support for Cppyy-defined CUDA Code i.e. implementing support for declaration and
parsing of CUDA code defined in Cppyy within the Numba extension. Designing and developing a CUDA compilation
mechanism and execution within the Cppyy-Numba environment.
Project Proposal: URL
Mentors: Vassil Vassilev, Wim Lavrijsen, Aaron Jomy, Jonas Rembser